Samuel G replied to the topic Article: If You Have Reached the Point of No Return in the forum General 5 years, 4 months ago
The starting timepoint was not intentional. You should listen to it from the beginning.
Samuel G replied to the topic Imbued Item questions in the forum DreamMagick 7 years, 5 months ago
1) How many can one item hold? Does this vary by complexity (i.e.Eternity takes more “space” than Unlimited Energy)?
– Varies by complexity as you said. But it is possible to mix 2-3, sometimes even 4 onto one item. They will be combined into one field. But, each field individually generally does not draw as much energy as it would if it was…[Read more] -
Samuel G replied to the topic psychoses, schizophrenia and bipoler in the forum Suggestions 7 years, 6 months ago
We will look into it. Its not as simple as it seems because the causes of these mental issues are all generally different. That’s one of the main reasons we haven’t been able to make an audio for anxiety.
Samuel G replied to the topic teeth-bone issue in the forum Suggestions 7 years, 6 months ago
The two audios should help and provide much needed relief.
I can’t say for sure that they would fully heal through those two fields though. Let me know how things progress.
Samuel G replied to the topic FREE AUDIO MATERIALS in the forum General 7 years, 6 months ago
Were you listening every single day and did not miss a day?
How many audios were you listening to?
Which audios were you listening to? -
Samuel G replied to the topic Type of subliminals used in audio fields in the forum General 7 years, 6 months ago
No words. The communication is conceptual as discussed in this article. The concepts are programmed into the field energetically. Conceptual communication is in essence, subconscious communication so the information is more pure and clearly understood by the subconscious.
Samuel G replied to the topic Max number of fields and how long til permanent in the forum General 7 years, 6 months ago
Eternity isn’t one of those fields that become permanent. Its one that you should carry throughout your whole life.
As for how many fields you can use at once.. .I’d say 4-5. It depends on the person. Fields would likely work slower when using many at once or drain your energy. But as I said, its different for each person. I go deeper into this…[Read more]
Samuel G replied to the topic New Member in the forum Introductions 7 years, 6 months ago
Sorry for the late reply Talitha, had trouble signing in and replying in the forum for a while. Glad to have that fixed now.
You are listening to a great set of audios and I believe with time, you should see some dramatic improvements in your state of being. Please do keep us updated and again, sorry for the late reply.
Samuel G replied to the topic Magnetic Capsule in the forum General 7 years, 9 months ago
Yes, capsule is free in that case.
Samuel G replied to the topic Placing crystals and talismans in capsules in the forum General 7 years, 9 months ago
You can do that, so as long as the fields are compatible.
Samuel G replied to the topic Psychic audio field in the forum DreamMagick 7 years, 10 months ago
I highly appreciate it guys! Someone had kindly sent us all of our previous products. We are very grateful.
If you guys have any cool ideas for a free field to release to the forum, please do share!
Samuel G replied to the topic Gambling Luck in the forum General 7 years, 10 months ago
As I’ve mentioned to many people before, its possible to win some money from the small lotteries but… that is not exactly what the field is designed for. It is designed for you to take it with you to a casino and gamble in the slot machines, tables, ext…
Samuel G replied to the topic Psychic audio field in the forum DreamMagick 7 years, 10 months ago
They practically do the same thing.. But the issue is that when dreammagick abruptly went down, we lost the original psychic audio file. If someone who purchased it can resent it to us, we would highly appreciate it.
Samuel G replied to the topic Placing crystals and talismans in capsules in the forum General 7 years, 10 months ago
I don’t suggest putting talismans inside but crystals would work well. They would amplify the energy if anything. I originally wanted to put crystals in all the capsules but… that may have been a problem to ship. Customs already opens up our capsules sometimes… the crystals inside would look even more suspicious lol.
Samuel G replied to the topic Purchase and Download in the forum General 7 years, 10 months ago
No, the free audios section is just a section to display our videos from our youtube channel. But you can download the two free audios we have in our store “peace and pure joy” and “auric cleanser.” All of our audios are not listed in our store either. Attract good luck and fortune from gumroad is the same audio as powerful good luck energy.
Samuel G replied to the topic New Memeber in the forum Introductions 7 years, 10 months ago
Welcome Jim! You are very welcome and I look forward to hearing more results from you in the future. Stay tuned… we plan on releasing free stuff exclusively to the forum!
Samuel G replied to the topic Purchase and Download in the forum General 7 years, 10 months ago
Hi Pauline, yes they still give the same effect. The issue with youtube is that when you convert videos to mp3s, the audio compression tends to mess with the frequencies sometimes. So, the fields embedded in the frequencies may not work to their full capacity when downloaded off of youtube hence why we have some of the audios in our store in their…[Read more]
Samuel G replied to the topic Magnetic Fields Review in the forum Reviews/Testimonials 7 years, 10 months ago
It would not affect the field. The fields are embedded in the capsules themselves. The repelling of the magnets boost the fields energy and also have the positive benefits of repelling negative energy/emf and generating more energy. So when airport security takes off the capsule, the fields are just drawing from zero point energy in those moments…[Read more]
Samuel G replied to the topic Question/Lost Item in the forum General 7 years, 11 months ago
Ooooh, lucky you man. We would have remade it for you again if you asked so no worries. And fields become permanent after several months (like 6 or more).
Samuel G replied to the topic Returning Eyesight – Moderate Myopia in the forum Progress Logs 7 years, 11 months ago
Awesome 🙂 Keep us updated.
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