Samuel G replied to the topic Imbued Item questions in the forum DreamMagick 7 years, 3 months ago
1) How many can one item hold? Does this vary by complexity (i.e.Eternity takes more “space” than Unlimited Energy)?
– Varies by complexity as you said. But it is possible to mix 2-3, sometimes even 4 onto one item. They will be combined into one field. But, each field individually generally does not draw as much energy as it would if it was embedded on its own item. I generally say 2 is a good amount to have in one. Also, fields grow stronger over long periods of time so that’s always good too!
2) Can The listed “imbued” fields like Best Path be mixed *on an item* with fields from the Audios?
– Yes. Any of our audio fields can be embedded on items as well. The same way fields are embedded on to audios is the way they are embedded on items. (Except for slight differences since they are being embedded on a solid item rather than soundwaves)
3) If so, would some be redundant or conflict with each other? (like Best Path & “POWERFUL GOOD LUCK ENERGY”/”Attract Good Luck and Good Fortune”)?
– Not redundant. But, certain fields conflict with eachother. Its logical really. Glory and Best Path In Life would conflict because they are polar opposites. Glory works on helping you reach your goal, even if its bad for you. Best Path leads you down the path that would make you happiest and sometimes, that means drifting away from your current goals.
4) Is it known which fields become a permanent part of your own and which need to be worn/near in order to stay effective?
– This is also logical. The way the subconscious mind works is that when a pattern is repeated enough, that pattern becomes ingrained in your subconscious. The pattern becomes natural to your state of being. I would give it a year before something becomes permanent and does not need you to use it anymore. But again, it depends. If it was to change a part of your physicality… then when you got what you wanted, you don’t need to wear it anymore. Unless, you have to wear it every few days to maintain the look such as (sun tanning field) or (skin whitening). The processes those field copy are generally not permanent in themselves. Same with testosterone.. the field increases testosterone production. There is no permanence being reached here other than possibly naturally producing more testosterone.. (which you don’t want unless you want to lose all the hair on your scalp lol).
5) Is ordering info coming soon for Fountain of Youth or Supreme Weight Loss?
– Ordering info is done.
6) If I were to have fields placed upon a particular item, would they need to be done all at once or can some be added at a later date?
– It can be added at a later date. Although doing so requires dream to remake the previous field over again. (can’t just add it onto the field. Have to make them together so they merge as one on the item)