Fear has been a dominating factor in human being’s lives throughout all of history. Fear is a protective mechanism that would keep mankind on its toes from the countless dangers that nature would present at any given time. The natural instinct of fear is still inherent in us today, even though man has left the wild and settled in areas generally safer from unknown dangers. Now we fear threats posed by society and other… fears. Fear of failure, fear of not having enough money, fear of strangers, fear of driving, fear of being alone. And how about those other fears? The fear of spiders, germs, rats, ghosts, certain sounds or even stranger fears such as those of not having mobile phone access, of taking a shower or even the fear of sunlight. How did man evolve to become so fearful of everything?
Mankind has been through a lot. Death could come at any instant to people, whether it be by nature’s hand or another mans. Fear was inherent to our survival because it forced us to be careful and wary of everything. We survived in tribes in those times as having other people by one’s side certainly increased the chances of survival. We wanted to fit in, to succeed in the hunt, to be strong and attractive enough to mate with one of the women and we so, very much feared being cast out because there is nothing scarier in those times trying to survive on your own. On your own, where you couldn’t sleep soundly without knowing what that sound behind you is, whether those are whispers or just sounds of the wind and god knows what is out there in the darkness.
It was only 50-100 years ago, that society has developed to a point where we can feel safe and protected on a daily basis. This compared to hundreds of thousands if not millions of years of constantly living in fear. Fearing the unknown, fearing not being accepted, fearing death is natural to us. But we don’t need to fear these things any longer being that our lives are not in constant danger. Now, the stranger phobias are psychological miscues that generally stem from certain experiences when we were younger that would result in a enhanced or excessive fear response. But the miscue stems from the strong imprint of fear we all have in us.
The fearlessness field is a complex field with many working parts that removes the bounds that fear places on you. Here are its many sub-fields and functions:
Transmutation of Fear
Although fear is certainly a biological response, it is also an energy itself. It is a negative energy by nature hence why fear induces levels of discomfort. It is not a pleasant energy by nature. The informational part of an energy can easily be transmuted into other information. Energy cannot be created or destroyed but it certainly can be altered. In this case the fearful energy can be transmuted into confident energy. So instead of fear, you will feel confidence to tackle anything.
Lower Cortisol
Cortisol is the body’s main stress hormone and is what is released in the body’s fight or flight feature. That tense and high energy feeling you get during stress… that’s cortisol. When you are stressed, your cortisol levels are very high. Fear… of course, triggers your cortisol levels to rise and as a result, keep you on edge. This sub-field causes your cortisol levels to maintain at a low and balanced level, even under what should be a stressful situation.
Amygdala Reprogramming
The amygdala is the part of the brain that detects threats and induces fear. It activates the fight or flight response. Most of us when in fear end up getting the flight response. We freeze up. We don’t know what to do and we want to run away. We generally aren’t in situations where we could just run away or that we should even run away! When fear gets activated, we freeze up because we don’t know what to do with this energy. This field reprograms the amygdala to respond in fight rather than flight. So instead of feeling like running, you will feel like you can handle the situation. You will be more focused on whats happening rather than become frantic. On the other hand, your cortisol levels are already going to be lowered so you aren’t get in a very intense state either. You will more than likely be relaxed and firm and ready to tackle the situation.
Subconscious Limiting Beliefs Clearing
Our subconscious minds are full of limiting beliefs that we have built throughout our lifetime. Beliefs such as ‘I’m too ugly’ ‘My voice sounds weird,’ ‘ I’m too short,’ ‘I can never be successful, I always fail’ end up controlling the dynamic of the mind. Our beliefs frame our reality so naturally, these beliefs become barriers that induce fear whenever we have to face them. ‘I’m too ugly to talk to this girl. Oh my god she’s talking to me and then your body begins to react as if a polar bear is scoping you out as prey. It really doesn’t make sense but that is how limiting beliefs can take control of your sense of being. This field works on removing these barriers in your mind. These barriers are thought patterns that when removed make a lot more space for free thinking in your mind so that you aren’t always countered by such limiting thoughts.
Confidence & Self Love
One of the main reasons many people are fearful is because they lack confidence. They have very little belief in themselves and so in turn they feel fearful when facing certain obstacles. Now while this field clears subconscious limiting beliefs, this sub-field works on instilling the confidence pattern of belief. Confidence makes one have have belief in themselves and in turn believe that they can do and accomplish anything. That means overcoming the obstacles that you would fear. On top of this confidence, self love is a component as well. Self love means that you love your character and who you are. Love is connection so in being connected with your beingness, you won’t be so hard on yourself if you do fail and your confidence will only push you to keep moving forward.
Stronger Willpower
Some people that become fearful end up losing a lot of willpower to act. They become weak. This lack of energy is not much for one to be able to do anything with or can easily be taken advantage of. This field in particular raises one willpower during times of need so that you can have more energy to do what you intend to do. More energy means more probability of success.
Huge tip with this field:
While wearing this item, perhaps holding on to it during meditation. Imagine facing the things that fear you. If you fear speaking in public, imagine doing it confidently. If you fear spiders, you can even watch a video of them and imagine yourself facing them. This will help get rid of your fears altogether rather than have to face them firsthand and face resistance from your subconscious mind. In a comfortable state, your mind will more easily develop the neural patterns to rid of your fears through experiencing these things mentally.
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