

In Norse mythology, Odin had two ravens, named Huginn and Muninn, who flew out over the worlds each day and then returned to Him, bringing word of all that they had seen. The names of these ravens are derived from parts of the Norse model of the soul.


Huginn is related to the hugh and Muninn to the myne. The hugh is the intellect, the reasoning faculty within the soul, and myne is the memory and the pattern-making, imaginative part of the mind. They basically represent left-brain and right-brain consciousness respectively. So in effect, Odin sends forth His own consciousness in the form of ravens, to gather news and insights and report back to Him.


The intention of this field is to train our own two ravens (hemispheres of the brain) to be equally useful and to work equally well together. This phase of the Work is all about the balancing and focusing of consciousness, so that it can be used as a ladder to higher states later on.

Mandala+audio (1:25 min length)

A Touch of the Gods


(10 Reviews)