This one is a combination of the Automated workout system, the Fat Burning Genetic Advantage and the Thermogenic Weight Loss.
Fat Burning Genetic Advantage – The programming (morpic and energetic) on this field will work towards inactivating the IRX3 and IRX5 genes, these genes basically tell to body to store energy as fat, and does so effectively.
By inactivating these two, the fat cells become energy burners and do not store the energy (as fat). So in effect, it will make your existing fat cells more like brown or biege fat cells, instead of white fat cells.
Thermogenic Weight Loss- hermogenesis is a metabolic process during which your body burns calories to produce heat. Several factors induce thermogenesis in your body including exercise, diet and environmental temperature. Thermogenesis promotes weight loss because it increases your body’s calorie burn.
This field activates both Ucp1 and Ucp2 (thermogenin proteins) which causes brown fat in your body to produce heat and this production of heat causes fat loss. In addition, the field also works on increasing leptin levels which is the hormone that tells you you’re full. With leptin levels that are too low, you can eat and eat and eat and still be hungry. This field also work on shrinking to actual size of your stomach.
Automated Workout – This field will work towards doing the same for you. (It activates and stimulates both Rev-erbα and Rev-erbβ throughout your body but mainly in the muscles)
It will also increase the natural amount of irisin in your body, which is something that increases in your body with the more exercise you do.
All these will work together to provide you with a system to give you a workout, without having to physically do much.
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