• 4. Depression/ Stess/ Anxiety (something I have a lot of)
    5. Love, Gratitude, Appreciation
    6. Attract Money Energy
    7. Become Whole: Self-Acceptance

    What I’ve noticed is, I’m not nearly as negative regarding my finances i.e. not walking around worrying about how much I don’t have in the bank or feeling poverty stricken (which I’m not, but…[Read more]

  • Hi Bill. I created a playlist that includes:
    1. Clear All Negative Energy
    2. Energy Blockage removal with Chakra
    3. Clear All Subconscious Limiting Beliefs

  • I’ve been listening to your videos a little over a month and have found them to be a valuable part of my day. So, I’ve decided to introduce myself, participate and maybe learn a few things. I’ve never participated in a forum before, only a stalker lol. I’m a pretty private person, I find it difficult to open up especially with strangers. So,…[Read more]