

This aims to create a perfect relationship between the user and the user himself.

All of these are wrapped up, at the energetic aspects responsible for the relationship the user has with themselves.

Going deep into emotional and mental realms for the user to replace any of their their existing unbeneficial energies and programming with the essences of the following:

Self Honesty

Veryy important. Being honest with yourself. Being honest about how angry you are. Being honest about how insecure you are. About how special you are etc. No need to deceive thyself..
Be honest with yourself and discover more about you than ever before.

Self forgiveness.

Now that you know your good sides and bad sides, including the experiences etc. Forgive it all. Forgive yourself for being insecure, for being angry for not shinning as you know you should. Once you forgive yourself nothing will hold you back.

Self Acceptance.

Now it is time to accept yourself the way that you are. The flaws, the good aspects. They are all a part of you and until accepted fully, they will come back and haunt you untill accepting them as they are. Including all you reject, hate etcc… accept it.

Self Healing.

All of this should allow you to process your emotions and mental states and heal yourself by neutralizing the traumatic experiencing, emotions while building a healthy new you!

Self Love

Noe start rediscovering how amazing you are. How all you need is you… to be you and to love yourself. Do the best for yourself.

Self Esteem

Know your worth at the fullest extent.

Self Confidence.

Know you capabilities at the fullest extent.

Self Respect, dignity admiration.

Respect and admire yourself fully. Reclaim your dignity.

Self Friendship.

Treat yourself like your best friend!

Self Joy.

Have joy for yourself!

Self Validation

Validate yourself.



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