
Official Page For Sapienmed’s Hidden Stash

Hello everyone! For years, we have consistently posted videos that help treat medical conditions and improve one’s mental and spiritual health. We provide these videos for free and will continue to do so for as long as we’re around. As of late, there have been youtubers reporting some of our videos and youtube has been giving us strikes and removing some of our videos. Some of these videos were up for years and were used by hundreds if not thousands of people daily. It really bothers us that some people so much time invested into some of these videos and won’t get to reap the full benefits because of these inconveniences. So we came up with a solution.

We will now have a hidden stash for SapienMed for videos that get deleted and other hidden gems that you won’t be able to get anywhere else. These videos are unlisted so they can only be accessed through having a link. Many people also seem to think that we profit a lot from our youtube videos but we truly do not and we will not profit at all from these unlisted videos (cannot be monetized). But we do like to provide for our community that has been so loving to us throughout all these years and also to all those seeking alternative treatment that is too expensive elsewhere. So with that being said, here’s our secret stash.

This article will be updated whenever we upload a new video. Stay glued to our facebook page for updates!

  1. Hair Growth and Recovery helps with Hair Loss (The Hidden Stash)

8 thoughts on “Official Page For Sapienmed’s Hidden Stash

  1. Charlie says:

    Thank you very much guys. We appreciate everything that you are doing even though most of us are just lurkers like me.

  2. Appreciative Guy says:

    Thank you guys! I’m listening to some and it seems they are working! I want to learn how to do them like this i can make them listen to my parents also, the ones with subliminals, since they don’t understand english. Do you have some tips?

  3. The Cuke says:

    I’d like to echo Charlie’s statement. I found my way to subliminal, energetic, and meditation audios through related links after I’d been listening to rife frequencies and binaural beats. I’ve tried many, many subliminals. trying to work through health issues from many different angles, and your channel has become one of my favorites.
    Like Appreciative Guy, I’m also aiming to create my own someday so I can control and target, adressing issues specific to my needs. There are so many techniques and methods, most of which I’m ignorant of, so I’d also love to see posts about your process or general considerations. (Perhaps you already have some–I’ve only just now discovered your site, so I haven’t checked out previous posts yet.)

    Thank you for your generosity.

  4. Chandu @ Mayan says:

    Amazing and great people at enlightenedstates. Truly a wonderful contribution to the human within and without to develop on all the levels. I Cannot put my feeling of love and gratitude in words towards the people at Sapien Med. With true respect and love to Samuel, Dream and everyone involved. Keep going with the great work. Thank You.

  5. Ryan says:

    First of all, thank you so much, for everything. When I win the lottery (Attract Wealth and Good Luck videos, do your stuff!) I’m going to donate a big portion to you for making it possible.

    I’m only seeing Hair Growth and Recovery, are there any others?

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