

The Energy Bodies –

We refer to the mental, emotional and energetic aspects which compose of you as bodies as they bear a resemblance to the physical bodies we have. For example, when things clog up our physical body, we can end up with problems in our bodily functions like high blood pressure and eventually strokes. In a similar way, when blockages accumulate in the mental, emotional, and energy bodies, they prevent these functions from working as they were intended to. Think about gears turning but a bunch of rocks have gathered in between the gears. When the mental body is stuck, one may find themselves getting stuck in a certain mental space or thinking pattern, when the emotional body is stuck – there can be repressed emotions that block you from processing your emotions fully. Together these bodies make up much of our overall well being. And having blockages in one body can and often does trickle down and effect the other bodies as well. This set of healing tools and protocols come together to clear the blockages that build up over time in the bodies and allow them to function in a more efficient and holistic way.


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Illuminated Mind


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