
Telepathic Transmission And Reception

Though this may surprise some people, all humans communicate with those
nearest to them on a subconscious level most of the time. I don’t just mean
body language or physical nearness here, but actual telepathic, empathic
communication that is often highly advanced.

There are several things to know about this kind of communication
before you start though.

First, most telepathic communication (I will refer to it as telepathy for this
article, though it refers to the mental transmission of any type of data. Empathy
certainly counts, at least when referring to the psychic kind.) takes place in the
subconscious regions of the mind. In order to “hear” this data, you will have to
quit your own mind and move more deeply than is normal into your
subconscious range of thought.

Second, since the subconscious mind is not verbally organized, this information
will likely be conceptual, presented as an idea, sometimes with a vague “visual”
to go with it. Keep in mind though that these visuals are most likely your own
interpretation of purer data being sent to you. This means that it is one step
further removed from accurate “pure” information.

Third, for stronger levels of communication, you need to find a resonance with
the individual you are trying to gather or send data with.

Fourth, when in resonance with another person, you must have a higher level
of coherent mental activity than they do, unless you are simply gathering data
from them. In general you will want to train yourself to be the mentally more
synchronized person whenever possible in any given situation involving others.

What is below is a basic, step by step “how to” and description of what to expect
when interacting more directly with someone else’s mind.



Begin by trying to quiet your mind for a few moments.

This step is integral to almost all psychic work and should be practiced daily,
even if you are not actively doing any psychic level work. (So build a regular
practice of focused meditation.)

When you feel you are at a mental place that is about the best you can do for
now, move on to the next step. Don’t get bogged down in being perfect. You will
get better with practice and doing is a better teacher than reading in most cases.

Focus on the person you are trying to form a resonance with.

It works best to simply hold a mental impression of how they “feel” inside your
mind. Try to keep yourself focused on the sense of their presence, without
words or pictures. If you do get a picture of them mentally, refocus on that
sense of presence as best you can. This will help get more of your deeper self
to focus on this resonance.

Here is a “trick” that most people never use in mental communications. The
mind will form a link to this other person rapidly and naturally (just looking into
someone else’s eyes tends to cause a link to form that is measurable on an
EEG.), but maintaining focus on them in this way for a longer time period (say
20 minutes to an hour) before trying to send or receive information will link your
minds much more firmly and cause them to synchronize to a much higher level.
So be prepared to focus for some time before attempting anything!

In general, the more time you spend in direct contact with another mind, the
easier it will become to reach them solidly. With enough work on a single
individual, this effect can become far stronger and almost instantaneous in
some cases.

Assure your greater level of coherency.

If you have been practicing specific coherence exercises, simply bring up that
feeling of unity at this point and hold it while also focusing on the other person.
What will happen here is not only entrainment, but you will pull the other person
into what is almost certainly a slightly altered state for them, leaving the lines of
communication much more accessible.(It is also a mentally healthier state with
some decent benefits in regards to some mental disorders.)

If you haven’t been practicing coherency exercises, you will want to make
certain you are focusing as hard as you can the whole time you are attempting
to do this. Focused will automatically increases mental coherency. Not as much
as specific practice will, over time, not even nearly so, but it will probably be
enough to entrain most people that are not used to such things being done on
a conscious level. Everyone is used to this on the subconscious level, it
happens all the time after all.

At this point, you are going to be able to pick up concepts from their
subconscious mind and also place concepts in their minds.

To do this well however, you will want to have either a very clear mind to receive
concepts from them, so you don’t get in your own way, or have a concept or set
of concepts ready to hold yourself.

You do not specifically have to think of doing things in “their mind” as in a very
real way you are sharing a mind for this brief window in time.

The more time spent holding an idea like this, the greater the effects will be on
them, as their subconscious being will perceive it as more and more important,
due to the long time period the idea is being presented over. Most people do
not focus on concepts for longer than a few seconds at a time. Even when they
do, doubts, conscious thought in words or pictures and boredom often cause
the subconscious mind to get mixed signals. This muddies the effects of their
own thoughts and communication with the deeper mind.

Once practiced at this, it is very possible to have more impact on a persons
subconscious (and thus conscious mind by proxy) than they have on their own

Remember, you are sharing large parts of yourself in this as well, so
communication will go your way most often if you can keep all doubts
and worries or fears from popping up while working. The best way to do
this is to practice regular meditation with some form of external and
variable distraction.

So, if you read and practice the above for a bit, you have the basics of mental
communication. The largest obstacle is not communicating though, but is rather
consciously perceiving the information coming in from a less focused mind. The
“cleaner your own slate” the greater the impression that will be left on your
mind. Simply accept what they are thinking without judgment or attempt
to understand, remember what you sense and interpret once you have
finished your task.

The longer you spend trying to influence a person, the greater the
impact. The closer the idea you are presenting is to how they already
think on a given topic (which you should be able to sense now, as
conceptual data) the more easily they will except the new data.

For example, let’s say you are getting a Birthday gift for a person you know to
be a bit picky, there is much you can do using this skill set.You can “read” their mind and get a sense of what they would like. Then once you get them a gift, you can influence how they will view it, so that they will think more highly of the gift you gave them, value it more and so on.

If that gift is close to what they really wanted, your mental work will be far easier!

One last thing!:

Just in case what you want to impart to the other person is somewhat farther
from their mind than not, you will be best off slowly introducing new concepts
that build upon what they already think, guiding them gently over several
sessions towards the final goal you have set. Dumping something untenable
into their mind will cause them to rebel against you, possibly even act with real,
palpable, fear in your presence. They WILL Fight this kind of intrusion.

But a slow change of ideas is natural and normal and most people can be
brought around to thinking positively about almost any  subject if the concepts
are handled correctly.

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